National Geographic, Feb 17. - Everything that is unknown generates a series of mixed feelings that usually mix curiosity and fear even though, many times, we have absolutely nothing to fear. This defines exactly what happened on this occasion with the black devil specimen found unexpectedly near the coast of Tenerife, in surface waters.
RT, February 14.- The computer animation studio MetaBallStudios, based in Spain, has created a video in which it shows what would happen if the asteroid 2024 YR4 collided with Earth in 2032.
Italy, Feb 12. - Located on the Italian island of Sicily, the Etna volcano continued to expel lava on Monday through a fissure on the southern slope of the crater called Bocca Nuova, which contrasts with the snow around the formation.
An international team of astronomers has confirmed the discovery of an exoplanet orbiting HD 20794, a star with a mass slightly less than that of the Sun located 20 light years from Earth, reports the University of Oxford.