For the first time, this 20 November marks the World Day of Children. And although more than one date International is dedicated to them; this new day, which until then celebrated the signing of the Convention on the Rights of the Child; it seeks to make them real actors, fostering intergenerational dialog and open spaces for their participation in social life.
Although the numbers are often overwhelm many, are sometimes unavoidable, mainly when dealing with phenomena of reality, which greatly impacts statistical analysis. Such is the case of the sad and absurd figures of the current panorama of the children.
Did you know that daily in the world die close to 15 thousand boys and girls under the age of five years; that 385 million infants living in extreme poverty; that 264 million do not attend school; that 535 million live in countries affected by conflict, natural disasters, epidemics and other emergencies?
The guilt of so many disagreements the poverty, yes, but also the lack of political will. Cuba is an example well illustrative in this regard. Our needs are many, it is true, but among all these numbers set forth; none refers to a Cuban child. Here, in this island of ours, the child population has indicators of excellence.
That is why the images that we share, denote the happiness of our children; those who want to and are the hope of the world. (Photos: Rachel Garcia Aguilera)