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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

 59th Anniversary of the Union of Young Communists , Camagüey 

Youth organizations on the same challenge: to continue making Revolution

Being young means revolutionizing, growing daily in the face of new challenges imposed by circumstances, for that reason, this has been a year of well-proven youth as the present and future of the Revolution that we all build together.

In this time, it has been more than demonstrated that we are responsible and consistent with each of our actions and aware of the purpose and the truths that we defend.

For this reason, three local organizations receive in greeting to date the Flag of Honor of the Union of Young Communists, fourteen institutions and almost three thousand boys have deserved the status of Youth for Life and all, all the new generations celebrate this April 4, taking care of themselves, working, contributing, from home or from social networks, with the joy and responsibility that have been amply proven in the last period.

Youth is not only the future, it is also the present and a present worthy of history and safe with a view of tomorrow.

(Text: Dania Díaz Socarras / Photos: Humberto Cid) 










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