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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Camagüey , 60th anniversary , Ministry of the Interior

Security in the hands of the people

By Luis Cadir MachínCuadrado / Radio Cadena Agramonte

When we arrive at the 60th anniversary of the founding of the MININT, it is essential to go to the history of the institution.

From the Sierra Maestra, the Commander in Chief of the Cuban Revolution foresaw and said once the victory was achieved, that the joy was immense but that the real war against the United States began when the people were in power.

That is why, in the guerrilla ranks, military intelligence and rebel police organizations were created as a faithful continuity of the legacy of the Mambisa intelligence to prevent enemy actions.

In these creations are the bases of the current bodies that make up the armed institution, as a governmental entity that fulfills the task of guaranteeing citizen security and establishing internal order, among other important missions.

With its emergence, the power of the people was guaranteed against the imperial attempts to regain control of the country and the changes and transformations promised in La Historia me Absolvera began.

Today after the years, the missions are the same and the enemy too, however, the methods of aggression have changed and therefore the way of defending ourselves against sophisticated material and financial resources.

There are several generations of Cubans who have integrated their ranks and wove a long history of victories at the national level and in internationalist missions, today being young people who are the protagonists of the present on various fronts with a military, academic and cultural preparation as required by the time.

In the midst of the pandemic, the combatants alternate their usual functions, supporting the other entities of the state to organize and adopt measures in the isolation centers, in the different communication channels and other missions to confront the internal and external enemy.

The people, of whom all the members of this armed organization are children, appreciates the dedication, courage, discipline and self-denial of those combatants. (Photos: Humberto Cid González / Radio Cadena Agramonte) 

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