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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

???????Camagüey , Cuba , Plaza de la Libertad , Revolution , act , reaffirmation     

The people of Camagüey gather to preserve Freedom

The people of Camagüey, like all Cubans, backed the call for the country's top leadership to defend the island against the destabilizing attempts in Cuba promoted by the genocidal Yankee imperialism.

The Plaza de la Libertad, in the municipality of Camagüey, where more than sixty years ago the undefeated Commander-in-Chief Fidel Castro Ruz spoke to the locals in the midst of the triumph of the Revolution, was once again the scene of battle to denounce the recent acts of vandalism, and fidelity to the socialist process was ratified, precisely now when the United States Government and its mercenary lackeys are betting that Cuba returns to the past of slavery, in which it was subjected until 1959.

Those present, together with the highest authorities of the Communist Party of Cuba and the Provincial Government of People's power, confirmed that Camagüey will forever be the land of Carlos Manuel de Céspedes and Ignacio Agramonte, of Máximo Gómez and Antonio Maceo, of José Martí, Fidel and Raúl.

The revolutionary sons of El Mayor ratified that they will not hand over the flags of socialism, because "we prefer first to sink into the sea before renouncing the glory we lived." The enemy will not be able to destroy the mettle and firmness of all a grateful people like that of Cuba, which is marching together towards a perennial victory. (Jorge Enrique Fuentes Ruiz / Radio Cadena Agramonte)   


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