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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

???????Camagüey , Cuba , Revolution Square , Victoria Popular   

The Square of Revolution in Camagüey, a ground for the people?s victories

A delegation heading the People?s Victories commemorated on Thursday toured part of the city of Camagüey and then join the Square of Revolution Ignacio Agramonte, where culture, sports and other entertainments helped reaffirm once again the support of new generations to the Cuban Revolution and its current leadership.

As in the entire country, Camagüey witnessed a bicycle caravan with the participation of all political and mass organizations, which started from the Carlos J. Finlay University of Medical Sciences and the Joaquín de Agüero Square.

Upon arrival at the largest of the squares, cultural numbers, exhibitions of martial arts, sales of books and products of the Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology were exchanged, in addition to the dialogue with sports glories, all nuanced by the impetus of youth, ready to defend in all scenarios the socialism that we build. (Dania Díaz Socarrás / Radio Cadena Agramonte) (Photos: Humberto Cid / Radio Cadena Agramonte) 

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