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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Camaguey, Botanical Park

The perfect place to dream

The Botanical Park of Camagüey is a magnificent place to enjoy the natural beauty of the environment through the various species of trees and ornamental plants that live there.

A facility that has more than 72 hectares and has as its objective the development of scientific activity and the healthy recreation of the people of Camagüey.

The care and conservation of a collection of plants that includes more than 800 species including aquatic plants, ferns, bamboos, orchids, among other varieties, is carried out by specialists who carefully care for all areas.

In addition, having trails, the national trees of many countries, and a species of Caguairán, represent attractions for visitors who enjoy the place in a healthy way. Offering various options for the enjoyment and recreation of the population and conserving natural values ??such as the preservation of exotic species that are threatened today, is the challenge of the workers there, who live in love with nature and the fascinating world that it encloses.

Text: Dayessi García Sosa. Photos: Humberto Cid/Radio Cadena Agramonte.

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