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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

FEU, challenges,100,years

FEU: new challenges 100 years later

A hundred years after the founding of the University Student Federation (FEU) by the unforgettable Julio Antonio Mella, many challenges are assumed by those who today form their ranks in a very different context, but which is nourished by a rich patriotic heritage.

"The best summary was made recently by the current president of that organization, Karla Santana Rodríguez, in statements to the newspaper Juventud Rebelde, about the Tenth Congress:

"The time is now. There is no time to wait. It is urgent to be protagonists of the FEU project that our people deserve. We need to engage with actors in community transformations and in the search for solutions. The FEU is also the neighborhood: its students, its teachers, its projects take shape in the neighborhood.

"We have to build a more horizontal organization, with the brigade as the center and space where the most impetuous dreams are forged. It must be an organization that discusses within itself and recognizes that diversity of thought is a reality, but not an end.

"The FEU must make the university a heritage of the people.

"The future is always in dispute and we also have the country we want to build, and the FEU that our Cuba needs". (Text: With information taken from Juventud Rebelde)(Photos: Humberto Cid/Radio Cadena Agramonte)

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