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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Pinar del Río, forest fire, forests, Mantua, Rangers

About 500 hectares of forests affected by forest fire in Pinar del Río

Pinar del Río, April 19.-Some 500 hectares of forests have been affected so far by the forest fire that has hit the Mantua municipality of Pinar del Río since last Friday.

Combined forces of the Ranger Corps (CGB), forest firefighters and the territory's Aqueduct UEB, with the support of a brigade from the local Tobacco Company, have been fighting the incident, which originated in the vicinity of La Loma de Fana, southwest of the Montezuelo area.

The persistent winds and enormous amounts of combustible material, the product of a prolonged drought, have caused the flames to jump over the trails opened by the men fighting the incident on several occasions.

Preliminary evaluations show damage to some 500 hectares of young pines and white forest.

But these figures could increase in the next few hours, when the evaluation is carried out on the ground.

The destruction of the habitat of numerous species of birds and mammals that inhabit this region in the far west of the country has also been confirmed.

So far, there is no human settlement in danger. (Text and photo: Granma)

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