A colorful group of young people from Camagüey opened the parade for the International Workers' Day in the city of Camagüey and the unmistakable faces of the future and the present were followed by many others with the joy of belonging to a Homeland that always grows and is surpassed by the quality of its people.
In the hands and voices were exhibited the hearts that in all this time, even with difficulties, collective limitations and urgent personal needs, have settled in the chests as long as the forces are enough to work and do it well, to help throw off forward the country we make and dream of.
The virtue of the Cuban proletariat in this calendar, that of those who try to contribute and sustain a nation, has been proven in the conviction that the socialism we are building, the system that truly can and should have the working man at the center, unites us to all in the same ranks and hands, in the same heart set to the Homeland to make it more and more worthy, to be more and more consistent with it as worthy children. (Dania Díaz Socarrás/ Radio Cadena Agramonte) (Photos: Humberto Cid González/ Radio Cadena Agramonte)