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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Camagüey, XII Congress of the Union of Young Communists, community projects, healthy recreation, social networks

Youth assembly process begins this Friday in Camagüey

Camagüey, September 14.- In the municipality of Minas, in the province of Camagüey, the assembly process of the XII Congress of the Union of Young Communists (UJC) will begin this Friday, September 15, which with the motto "Create your happiness" will meet April 2 to 4, 2024 in Havana.

Maisel Sabido Collado, head of the Ideological department of the Provincial Committee of the UJC, reported at a press conference that the meeting schedule will extend until the month of December and will culminate in January with the Provincial Assembly.

During these meetings, she commented, the main topics to be discussed will be linked to political-ideological work, the transformation of the organization's statutes, healthy recreation and combat on social networks.

Prior to the meetings that will take place in each locality, she specified, militants and non-militants have developed actions to strengthen the ranks of the membership with the purpose of implementing the agreements of the XI UJC congress.

Likewise, she said, the youth of Camagüey through the youth zones that have included community projects from the universities and different festive activities have contributed to face-to-face dialogue and the recreation of new generations in the neighborhoods.

In Camagüey, as of September 28, the four direct delegates who will represent the province in the national event will be elected, who, she said, belong to the newspaper Adelante, the 26 de Julio de Nuevitas Cement Factory, the Basic Unit of Cooperative Production El Entronque de Sibanicú and the Esteban Borrero basic secondary school in the main city.

The Camagüey delegation to the XII Congress will be made up of 31 young people, who will have the mission of representing the aspirations of 25,261 militants of the 2,381 grassroots organizations of the province. (ACN) (Photo: Archive)

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