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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Camagüey, Credit and Commerce Bank, electronic channels, payments

Credit and Commerce Bank in Camagüey increases the use of electronic platforms

Camagüey, September 15.- The Credit and Commerce Bank (BANDEC) in Camagüey, increases its clients with access to electronic instruments and channels for payments and other operations, in accordance with Resolution 111 of 2023 of the Central Bank of Cuba.

Yosbel Pouza Padrón, deputy commercial director of the entity in the province of Camagüey, explained that so far more than 355 thousand magnetic cards have been granted, of which 13 thousand are in the hands of workers linked to agriculture.

As for the economic actors referred to in the aforementioned regulations, 318 have adopted payroll domiciliation, a service through which salary payment is made using magnetic cards; while another 348 are in that process.

The commercial deputy director added that more than half of his potential clients have used Virtual Bandec, a tool that allows accounts to be operated from a remote location without having to go to the branches.

Regarding the provision of the extra box, he pointed out that it has been contracted in 132 sites that belong to units of the Commerce and Gastronomy sector, of the Cuban Post Office and Accommodation Companies; in addition to points where liquefied gas is sold and one of the 24 de Febrero Agricultural Production Cooperative.

The accessibility of banking services process, with results in the Provincial Directorate of the Banco de Crédito y Comercio in Camagüey, seeks to reorganize the financial flow in the country and increase the use of electronic platforms, with multiple advantages that have not yet been fully taken advantage of. (Text and photo: Juan Mendoza Medina/Radio Cadena Agramonte)

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