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Cuba, Vietnam, Esteban Lazo, National Assembly, People's Power, Council of State, Fidel, Ho Chi Minh, friendship

Esteban Lazo on official visit to Vietnam (+ Photos and Post)

Hanoi, Vietnam, September 24.- The member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Party Esteban Lazo Hernández, president of the National Assembly of People's Power and the Council of State, began an official visit to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam this September 24 leading a Cuban delegation that will participate in the sister Asian nation in the day of activities to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Fidel's first visit to Vietnam.

Upon arrival, at dawn this Sunday, at Noi Bai International Airport in Hanoi; The head of the Cuban Parliament was received by Tran Thanh Man, permanent vice president of the National Assembly of Vietnam.

Both leaders reviewed the honor guard during the official reception ceremony, in which the Ambassador of our nation in Hanoi, Orlando Hernández Guillén, and the Vietnamese Ambassador in Havana, Le Thanh Tung, also participated.

Subsequently, Esteban Lazo held an emotional meeting with the members of the state mission of our country in Vietnam. Until next September 27, it will develop an extensive program of activities in the sister Indochinese nation in tribute to the historic event, which will include official conversations with the highest Vietnamese authorities, visits to the places visited by the historical leader of the Cuban Revolution in the provinces of Quang Binh and Quang Tri, and the tribute to the hero Ho Chi Minh, among others.

The Cuban delegation is also made up of René Mesa Villafaña, Minister of Construction; Juan Carlos Marsán Aguilera, vice head of the Department of International Relations of the Central Committee of the Party; Yolanda Ferrer Gómez, president of the Cuba-Vietnam Friendship Association and founder of the Cuban Committee of Solidarity with South Vietnam; among other officials from the ministries of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment, and the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP).

From September 12 to 17, 1973, Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz made his first visit to Vietnam, becoming the first and only world leader, Head of State or Government, present in the liberated territories of South Vietnam, when These were still under the threat of American bombing. That historic visit marked a milestone in the traditional and endearing relations of brotherhood and solidarity between Cuba and Vietnam.

Continue cultivating the brotherhood between Cuba and Vietnam

“Every time I return to Vietnam I feel deep pride in its heroic history and enormous progress; But doing it today, within the framework of these anniversaries: the 50th anniversary of Fidel's first visit to Vietnam and the 60th anniversary of the creation of the Cuban Committee of Solidarity with South Vietnam, is really exciting.”

This is what Esteban Lazo told the Vice President of the Vietnam Union of Organizations (VUFO), and directors and members of the Vietnam-Cuba Friendship Association, on this Sunday afternoon. With them, he discussed the importance of being consistent and defending our history and the education of new generations.

The First Vice President of the Cuban Institute conveyed permanent gratitude to the Vietnamese people for their constant support of the Cuban Revolution, in the face of the difficult moments that we have faced all these years and in the fight against the US blockade against our country. of Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP), Noemí Rabaza Fernández.

Relations with Vietnam, more than ties of friendship, are ties of brotherhood, he assured, and reiterated warm greetings from the President of ICAP, Hero of the Republic of Cuba Fernando González Llort.

Both parties insisted on the relevance today of increasing cooperation between the provinces and twinning between cities of both countries, since "we are committed to keeping alive the thought and legacy of solidarity of Fidel and Ho Chi Minh."

For his part, Juan Carlos Marsán Aguilera, vice head of the Department of International Relations of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba, called to cultivate in the young generations the deep brotherhood between our peoples and promote the thinking of our heroes in this sense and history. common that unites us, beyond geographical distance.

Also participating on the Cuban side were Yolanda Ferrer Gómez, president of the Cuba-Vietnam Friendship Association and founder of the Cuban Committee of Solidarity with South Vietnam; Vilma Sánchez Sempé, director of Trade Policy for Asia and Oceania of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment; and the Ambassador of our nation in Hanoi, Orlando Hernández Guillén. (Text and photos: Cuban Parliament)

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