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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Cuba, Nicaragua, Bridges of Love, solidarity

Friends of Cuba in Nicaragua ratify solidarity with the island

Managua, September 25.- Friends of Cuba and Cuban residents in Nicaragua ratified this Sunday their solidarity with the island during a new day of Bridges of Love.

At the meeting, held at the Cuban diplomatic headquarters in this Central American nation, attendees called to continue the fight against the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States for more than 60 years.

The president of the Association of Cuban Residents in Nicaragua, Rafael Ruiz, urged the solidarity groups with the largest of the Antilles to continue the support work through donations that help face the complex economic situation that the country is experiencing today.

For her part, Irma Franco, one of the activists of the Nicaraguan Anti-Imperialist Network of Solidarity with the Peoples Augusto C. Sandino, highlighted the friendship between Nicaragua and Cuba, while demanding that the island be excluded from the spurious list of sponsoring countries of the terrorism.

In this regard, she mentioned the international campaign “Cuba lives and resists” which from here also promotes the collection of signatures for the exclusion of the Caribbean country from the aforementioned list.

Likewise, she highlighted the strengthening of the alliance with the A Cuba must be loved project, through which they send their solidarity support to help break the unilateral measure imposed by the northern nation.

During the reading of the Network's statement, Franco referred to the founding of the Committees for the Defense of the Revolution (CDR), a mass organization that will celebrate its 63rd anniversary on September 28.

In that sense, she recalled the figure of the historical leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, as the creator of the CDR.

She affirmed that the Cuban CDR members are united by the commitment to defend the Revolution at all costs from every neighborhood in the country, and they contribute so that Cuba does not kneel before the empire despite the economic blockade and all the unjust and illegal measures implemented by Washington against the Havana.

The charge d'affaires of the Cuban embassy in Nicaragua, Orlando García, expressed his gratitude for the solidarity towards his country, and alluded to the support that Cuba received against the blockade from the majority of the member states of the Group of 77 and China.

The activity showed an allegorical audiovisual material about the creation of the CDR, and another taken from social networks showing dozens of Americans and Cubans in New York alongside President Miguel Díaz-Canel, demanding the end of the blockade. (Text: PL) (Photo: @NacionyEmig)

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