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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Camagüey, University of Camagüey Ignacio Agramonte Loynaz, Commemorative Day for the Centennial of the First National Students Revolutionary Congress, José Martí Popular University

University of Camagüey to commemorate the centenary of the I National Students Revolutionary Congress

Camagüey, Oct 7.- The University of Camagüey (UC) Ignacio Agramonte Loynaz announces the development between the months of October and November of a Commemorative Day for the Centennial of the I National Students Revolutionary Congress and the José Martí Popular University.

According to the activity plan, the opening of the day will be on October 16 with a commemorative exhibition in the History Room of this house of higher studies, until the 25th the works of the Literature and Painting Contest will be received and that same day there will be place a Student Panel in the Hall of the Cultural Management Center

There will also be viewing of documentaries on topics in the History of Cuba; as well as student and teacher participation in activities to commemorate National Culture Day, the Carnation Uprising and the 155th anniversary of the Bayamo Anthem being sung for the first time.

Inspired by the reformist movement that universities in South American countries had developed, the First National Congress of Students held its initial sessions on October 15, 1923 and there the thoughts and wills of a generation that already dreamed of changes in the system that prevailed were united. in the country, and improvements not only for the students, but also for the people.

For its part, the José Martí Popular University, also known as the Proletarian University, was founded on November 3, 1923 by the student leader Julio Antonio Mella. With an enrollment of 400 students, he united workers and intellectuals with the unions, as proof of the transformation that the new educational organization had to undertake to bring knowledge to the most humble. (Text and photo courtesy of Alexei Nápoles González/ Journalist from the University of Camagüey)

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