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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Belgium, European Union, aid, Palestine

European Union disavows announcement of suspension of aid to Palestine

Brussels, Oct 11.- In the midst of strong criticism of the announcement of the suspension of development aid to Palestine, the European Union (EU) disavowed the recent statements in this regard by the European Commissioner for Enlargement, Olivér Várhelyi.

The decision to report the day before on the alleged suspension of the development cooperation program with Palestine, for some 691 million dollars, was a free act by Várhelyi, lacking any agreement with the rest of the commissioners, indicated the head of the EU.

The message on network

Rather, he stated, the channels through which aid is reaching the Palestinian population are being reviewed, following the outbreak of the conflict between Israeli forces and the Hamas resistance movement, based in the Gaza Strip and whose military wing launched an offensive last day 7.

Israeli forces responded with massive bombings in Gaza, a 360-kilometer area, home to almost three million inhabitants, now completely blocked by Tel Aviv, without water, electricity, fuel or food.

More than 1,300 people died and nearly 7,000 were injured on both sides in just four days of confrontation.

The issue of aid to Palestine is among the issues to be debated this day in an extraordinary meeting of the foreign ministers of the 27 EU countries, called for Oman by the head of European diplomacy, Josep Borrell, who is visiting there. .

According to the publication Politico, the Levantine conflict has already begun to open cracks in the common position of the EU and these may deepen, it points out.

In his press conference here, when asked whether the EU body would call on all parties to immediately end hostilities and whether it would condemn Israel's non-selective bombings in Gaza, Memer only stated that the common position on the conflict is decided in Oman. (Text and photo: PL)

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