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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Camagüey, Alejandro Arias Water Pump Factory, income, imports

Water Pump Factory in Camagüey for achieving favorable economic indicators

Camagüey, Oct 13.- The 150 workers at the Alejandro Arias Water Pump Factory in Camagüey, the only one of its kind in the country, intend in the coming months to generate income, increase services and substitute imports.

The Camagüey plant has four workshops: foundry, machining, pailería and services, in these areas motor pumps and electric pumps brought by customers are repaired and solutions are found for breakdowns in the agricultural irrigation system and the supply of hospitals, schools and tourism.

The director of the aforementioned entity, Yosdany Estrada Rodríguez, highlighted that they have 410 imported engines to fulfill that order and start productions, which gives vitality to that industry.

He explained that they also carry out the repair of pumping equipment for the population, as well as its installation, in the case of requesting the service.

The Camagüey Water Pump Factory, with several years of operation since 1944, stabilizes its production thanks to the links with new actors in the economy and the alternatives to face the limitations imposed by the blockade. (Text and photo: Gladys Dailyn Morera Cordero/Radio Cadena Agramonte)

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