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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Cuba, Palestine, young people, communists, genocide, Israel

Youth of Cuba will march this Thursday in defense of Palestine

Havana, Nov 21.- Various Cuban youth organizations will march in defense of the cause of the Palestinian people, victims of more than 70 years of occupation and acts of genocide by Israel, media outlets reported today.

According to the newspaper Juventud Rebelde, the Union of Young Communists (UJC) called on “the youth and all the people of the capital (of the Caribbean island) to fill the central G Street in the residential area with “solidarity and humanism”. capital Vedado.

The event is scheduled for this Thursday, November 23 at one in the afternoon, led by the UJC, the University Student Federation (FEU), the Federation of Secondary Education Students (FEEM), along with other civil society organizations Cuban and the capital's population, the newspaper states.

The newspaper mentions among the purposes of the march, the denunciation of the more than 70 years of subjection to the Palestinian people of a "Dantesque usurpation, and the end of the impunity with which the Israeli government launches its war machine like a wild beast ” against that Arab nation.

The organizers of the demonstration call to repudiate the genocide committed by the Zionist army in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank since last October 7, which claimed the lives of more than 13 thousand people, among them about five thousand children.

The call specifies that the route will begin at the intersection of the G and Malecón arteries and will culminate in La Piragua in the aforementioned district of the Cuban capital.

“It is a march for peace, children and life. "This is not the time for complicit silence, nor for lukewarm positions, when thousands of children and their families succumb in a massacre that seems to have no end," denounced the UJC. (Text and photo: PL)

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