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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Camagüey, Cuba, Orlando Cardoso Villavicencio, Hero of the Republic, Camilo Cienfuegos Military School

Orlando Cardoso Villavicencio recognizes the value of young people in the Cuban Revolution (+ Photo and Audio)

Camagüey, Nov 22.- The value of the Cuban youth and their response to decisive tasks for the Homeland in the difficult conditions that the country is experiencing, was highlighted by the first colonel of the Revolutionary Armed Forces, Orlando Cardoso Villavicencio, Hero of the Republic.

During an exchange at the Camilo Cienfuegos Military School, in his native Camagüey, Cardoso Villavicencio, the prisoner of war who for almost 11 years in Somalia challenged loneliness, expressed pride in today's new generations, who from their different positions contribute to the progress of the nation.

In the meeting with students and teachers of the aforementioned campus, he recalled how much reading in the cell influenced him, a moment from which, he said, his life changed, because books are full of knowledge, and knowledge, he assured, is power.

I became a powerful man, a cultural metamorphosis occurred in me that little by little changed my way of thinking, he confessed, and precisely that was a fundamental exhortation to the audience: to read, because "reading is the salvation of man."

The Hero of the Republic recalled moments from his childhood, adolescence and youth, and in particular expressed pride in the training received at the Camilo Cienfuegos Military School in this central-eastern province.

During the dialogue, the First Colonel answered questions from those present referring to passages in his life and, in the same way, recalled moments after his liberation and arrival in Cuba on August 23, 1988 and the recovery he had to undergo after such confinement.

A few days after the seventh anniversary of the physical disappearance of Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz, Cardoso Villavicencio referred to the efforts of the Historical Leader of the Cuban Revolution to achieve his return, efforts of which he learned, first-hand, through the Nobel Prize in Literature Gabriel García Márquez.

In Camagüey, furthermore, the Hero of the Republic of Cuba expressed his pride in belonging to the Revolutionary Armed Forces, just when on December 2 the 67th anniversary of the landing of the Granma yacht will be remembered, which began a new stage of the struggle that began in 1868 and that this time would culminate with the definitive independence of the 1st. January 1959. (Text and photos: Juan Mendoza Medina/ Radio Cadena Agramonte)

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