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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Cuba, Venezuela, Alí ??Padron, Cayo Largo, agreements, Gran Caribe, Juan Carlos García, tourism, FITVen 2023

Venezuela and Cuba strengthen cooperation in tourism matters (+ Post)

Caracas, Nov 26.- The Bolivarian Republic and Cuba signed two cooperation agreements to continue strengthening tourism operations in the national and international market, it was announced today in this capital.

The documents were signed by the Ministers of Tourism of both countries, Alí ??Padrón and Juan Carlos García, respectively in the context of the XVI International Tourism Fair of Venezuela (FITVen 2023), which runs until November 27 in Barquisimeto, Lara state.

The Venezuelan tour operator Venetur SA and the Cuban companies Servitur and the Gran Caribe Hotel Group were involved in the negotiation, Padrón indicated in his X account.

As part of these agreements, a flight with foreign tourists from Cayo Largo, a tourist island in the south of Cuba, is scheduled to arrive in Venezuela on December 7, the owner declared to VTV television.

The commercial operation will be added to the Havana and Varadero routes, according to the source.

The Bolivarian minister explained that the state of Lara, in the northwest of the country, will become a supplier of “high quality products” to Cuban tourism companies, which will depart directly by air from the Jacinto Lara international airport.

Padrón pointed out that this will generate “important economic synergies” for the state, far beyond tourism as a transversal activity.

He predicted that this new edition of FITVen will generate a greater number of business opportunities for the benefit of the state of Larense and all of Venezuela, as well as yield the best numbers.

The International Tourism Fair opened its doors last Thursday at the Flor de Venezuela National Monument with the attendance of more than 30 countries and the participation of businessmen from the public and private sectors.

Among its proposals, it developed business conferences with the presence of tour operators, representatives of the accommodation sector, related services and gastronomy, as well as symposiums, different training spaces and technology applied to the service sector.

The National Tourism Award will also be presented, in its second edition, which will be received this year by 16 tourism service providers, for their praiseworthy work of care and service, indicated the owner. (Text: PL) (Photo: @AliErnesto32)

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