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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Camagüey, Saudi Arabia, hydraulic resources, rehabilitation, infrastructure, sanitation, fund, development, continuity

Saudi cooperation guarantees continuity of hydraulic rehabilitation in Camagüey (+ Photo)

Camagüey, Nov 30.- The continuity, in a second stage, of the rehabilitation and sanitation of the hydraulic infrastructure of this province was approved after a fruitful exchange between representatives of the Saudi Arabian Fund for Development and authorities of the Communist Party of Cuba, the Government and the National Institute of Hydraulic Resources in the territory.

As a preamble, at the meeting a summary of the constructive results during the execution of the first stage was made, also counting on the presence of Fermín Sarduy Quintanilla, director of International Relations of the branch, Victor Ramírez Peña, official at that level, and Cesar Domínguez Benavides, director of the OSDE of Hydraulic Design and Engineering Services.

The collaboration project, which will be executed for an amount of about 50 million dollars, includes the expansion of the storage capacity of the Amistad Cubano Búlgara Water Treatment Plant in Camagüey, which will reach approximately 30 thousand cubic meters of water, and will guarantee the continuity in the construction of conductors and hydraulic networks with high-density polyethylene pipes.

Likewise, the initiative will intervene in the sewer network of the city of Camagüey, a district where only 40 percent of a population of 375 thousand inhabitants benefits from that system and where work will be done on some 24.4 kilometers of marginal and collectors, and a residual treatment plant will be included.

The investment program financed by the Saudi Fund for Development, in a second stage, will cover the municipalities of Nuevitas and Florida, territories where the population is affected by the water supply, actions that will provide greater volume of water and better quality in the service. (Text and photos: Gleibis Gómez Durva/Radio Cadena Agramonte)

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