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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Cuba, COP28, climate change, Díaz-Canel, Dubai, science, president, United Nations

President of Cuba intervenes at COP-28 on climate change

Havana, 1st. Dec.- Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party and president of the Republic, spoke today at the World Climate Action Summit in the context of the United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP28) that It takes place in Expo City, headquarters of the mega event that brings together more than 70 thousand participants from all over the world in the city of Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE).

The right of humanity to exist must be the main motivation of our discussions, said the Cuban president during his speech at the meeting, as reported by the Presidency's social network account X (formerly Twitter).

The Head of State took advantage of the occasion to remind the participants of the meeting of the genocide being committed against the Palestinian population in Gaza, and condemned, on behalf of the Greater Antilles, the escalation of violence and terror unleashed against that region of occupied Palestine.

Likewise, Díaz-Canel welcomed the decision taken to operationalize the Loss and Damage Fund and the commitments announced to begin capitalizing it, but warned that they are still insufficient for the needs of developing countries.

Science has repeatedly warned us about the catastrophic consequences of increasing global temperatures. Ignoring it would be the most costly mistake of the human species, he commented later.

The Cuban president emphasized that reversing this situation is clearly everyone's task, but only developed nations are in a position to achieve the most ambitious reductions in their emissions, and support the actions of the South with means of implementation.

On the path since Paris, developing countries have promoted numerous climate actions, but solidarity has been lacking and the commitments of developed countries have not materialized in accordance with their capacities and responsibilities, he added.

Díaz-Canel pointed out that COP-28, which will conclude the First Global Assessment on the Implementation of the Paris Agreement, is a unique opportunity to correct the course of collective efforts in confronting climate change.

For this, count on the contribution of the Group of 77 and China, he expressed.

The dignitary took advantage of the occasion to ratify the commitment to implement the Nationally Determined Contribution and to advance an Energy Transition Strategy for a much more resilient development model, despite the fact that Cuba contributes less than 0.1 percent of global emissions.

“ We will do it, despite the limitations imposed on us by the intensified blockade of the United States government,” he said.

Towards the end of his speech, the Cuban President brought up the Earth Summit, held in 1992, where Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz ended by warning: “Tomorrow will be too late to do what we should have done a long time ago.” time".

Also in the context of COP28, the Cuban Head of State spoke with António Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations, as shared by journalist Leticia Martínez on her X account, via video.

The Cuban president leads the delegation of the largest of the Antilles that attends the COP-28 in the UAE and the Summit of Leaders of the Group of 77 and China, which will also debate climate change. (ACN) (Photo: @PresidenciaCuba)

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