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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Brazil, Group of 20, G20, foreign ministers, Rio de Janeiro, Gaza Strip, international politics, economic powers

Foreign Affairs Ministers of the Group of 20 meet in Brazil

Moscow, February 21.- Brazil chairs this Wednesday and Thursday the meeting of G20 foreign ministers in Rio de Janeiro, where representatives of the twenty largest global economies will address the conflict in Ukraine and the Israeli military offensive on the Gaza Strip, between of the open crisis between the government of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and Tel Aviv as a backdrop.

The meeting, the most notable before the summit of heads of state scheduled for November in the same city, will be attended by the Foreign Minister of Russia, Sergei Lavrov; and the US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi will send a replacement.

The G20 is made up of the world's 19 largest economies, plus the European Union and the African Union. Representatives of the invited countries also participate: Angola, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Spain, Nigeria, Norway, Portugal and Singapore.

One of the issues planned at the meeting is Israel's excessive offensive against the civilian population in the Gaza Strip, after the attacks by the armed wing of the Islamic movement Hamas, on October 7 against the Hebrew country. The Tel Aviv attack has left more than 29,000 Palestinians dead, many of them children.

Brazil's role at the head of the group – the country assumed the temporary presidency in December – will be to try to articulate positions in favor of a ceasefire in Gaza, despite the fact that Israel announced that it will launch an offensive on Rafa, a city bordering Egypt and where More than a million people have been displaced fleeing the bombings.

From the beginning of his mandate, Lula took the role of conflict mediator, however, that role has become complicated in recent days, after he compared the situation in Gaza to the Holocaust. (Text and photo: RT)

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