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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Mexico, migrants, irregular migration, Mexican Human Mobility Strategy, United States, Cuba, strategy

Government of Mexico presents strategy to support migrant mobility

Moscow, February 26.- The Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Alicia Bárcena Ibarra, presented today at a press conference the Mexican Human Mobility Strategy, a project to support migrants arriving in the country, as well as Mexicans living in the United States.

The plan seeks to address migration with a regional-hemispheric approach, where its structural causes are addressed, such as violence, poverty, inequality and climate change.

“It is a unique model that is divided into two large groups. Firstly, it is focused on Mexican men and women abroad and, secondly, on foreigners who transit through the territory,” she mentioned.

To this end, Bárcena Ibarra explained, the Mexican Government works at the national level managing irregular migratory flows; All federal agencies collaborate in this.

At the international level, officials of the Latin American nation, including President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, are holding high-level dialogues to address this issue and analyze external factors, as well as avoid unilateral coercive measures.

Likewise, the Mexican Foreign Minister stated, we are committed to expanding safe, orderly and regular routes for human mobility.

Social programs in Latin America

Likewise, Bárcena Ibarra pointed out that Mexico has promoted programs such as Young People Building the Future and Sowing Life in nations where they have registered a greater number of population leaving their homes to move to the United States.

Among those countries are Belize, Cuba, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, Panama and Venezuela.

To deploy these strategies, 117 million dollars have been allocated and the Mexican Government has mediated with Washington to contribute 20 billion dollars annually, which will be allocated to States in Latin America and the Caribbean, in order to address the causes of irregular migration.

A decalogue for orderly migration

The Secretary of Foreign Affairs of Mexico reiterated the decalogue that she presented on January 22, 2024, where they propose various strategies to the US to remedy irregular migration. The points are the following:

1. Homologize migration figures from a joint panel. These will be updated weekly.

2. Hold a meeting between Mexico, Guatemala and the US as soon as possible. It is suggested that the meeting be in Guatemalan territory.

3. Define a parameter further south of the 19th parallel of the planet to enter the CBP One platform to facilitate immigration procedures.

4. Collaborate bilaterally and regionally to stop human trafficking networks. To address the issue, a meeting is proposed in Mexico City.

5. Conduct an investigation in response to the alert from the Mexican Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena) regarding the seizure in its territory of weapons for the exclusive use of the United States Army.

6. Follow up on the actions of the Governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, by the US Government. At the same time, Mexico will reinforce the consular network in Texas, with greater protection measures for the migrant community.

7. Exchange information between Mexico and the US to avoid sanctions on companies that transport migrants in an irregular situation.

8. Complete the construction of the Otay II checkpoint on the US side.

9. Joint visit to Darién, accompanied by authorities from Colombia and Panama.

10. Take care and issue public statements, preferably previously agreed upon.

Irregular migration has reached record numbers in the last three years. Proof of this is that, in fiscal year 2023, Border Patrol agents detained nearly 3.2 million undocumented foreigners throughout the country, compared to 2.7 million in 2022, 1.6 million in 2021 and 400 1,650 in 2020, before the current US president, Joe Biden, took office. (Sputnik) (Photo: PL/Archive)

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