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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Russia, St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, Roskongress, international cooperation, economic forum, business

More than 110 countries will attend the St. Petersburg Economic Forum

Moscow, May 15.- More than 110 countries and territories confirmed their participation in the Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) next June, the Russian Roskongress foundation reported today.

So far, six thousand people from more than 110 countries and territories have confirmed their participation in the momentous forum this year, the spokesman for the platform's organizing committee, Anton Kobiakov, told the Sputnik news agency.

Likewise, the spokesperson described international cooperation within the SPIEF as a key factor that contributes to the development of mutually beneficial relations between countries and companies.

The XXVII edition of the Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum will take place from June 5 to 8, 2024.

In its 25 years of history, SPIEF has become the main international platform for contact between representatives of the business community and a space for debate on fundamental economic issues for Russia, developing markets and the world in general. (Text and photo: PL)

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