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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Camagüey, Provincial Electric Company, electro-energy situation, energy matrix, renewable energy sources, National Electro-Energy System

Camagüey aspires to advance in the change of the energy matrix

Camagüey, May 16.- In the midst of the complex electro-energy situation facing the country, the province of Camagüey aspires to continue advancing in the change of the energy matrix to better take advantage of renewable energy sources.

As part of this effort, Juan Carlos Lacaba Jofre, director of Customer Service at the Provincial Electric Company, explained that six photovoltaic solar parks operate in the Camagüey territory, which together generate between 11 and 12 megawatts in accordance with the season. of the year.

Currently, he said, two photovoltaic solar parks are being planned, one of them in Vertientes and the other in the city of Camagüey, with which it is planned to provide 20 megawatts each, and to transfer the generating sets to the reserve to incorporate more. clean energies to the National Electroenergy System.

Regarding the current energy contingency, he urged to achieve a greater culture of energy savings, fundamentally when electrical service is restored in the different circuits.

Sadiel Estrada Curbelo, director of the aforementioned entity, said that sometimes primary breakdowns occur due to the load levels that the circuits take, and in that sense the most complex ones are a priority due to the level of people affected.

Precisely in these circumstances, the city of Camagüey also has difficulties with the water supply, due to the energy deficit, the breakage of various equipment, as well as the poor entry of water to the water treatment plant.

Yaima Serrano Meléndez, delegate of Hydraulic Resources in the province, specified that in recent days the entry of this liquid has fluctuated between 700 and 900 liters.

Also in the municipality of Nuevitas, he reported that a similar situation persists, which is why the intervention of a comprehensive rehabilitation is maintained at the Saramaguacán pumping station, in which work is being done with a Local Development Project to restore services, recover the engines and establish the access road. (Text and photo: ACN)

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