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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Cuba, XXI World Congress and Festival of Performing Arts of Assitej, International Association of Theater and Performing Arts for Children and Youth, Assitej, performing arts, theater, art, Cuban cultura

Cuba will host a performing arts forum for youth and children

Havana, May 16.- Cuba will host the XXI World Congress and Performing Arts Festival of Assitej “Voices of a new world” from May 24 to 1. next June, with the participation of 14 countries.

At a press conference held in this capital, it was reported that dozens of theater groups, including 10 Cuban ones, will be at this event supported by the International Association of Theater and Performing Arts for Children and Youth (Assitej).

There will be master classes, conferences, workshops and panel discussions, and an extensive theatrical and dance program in cultural and community institutions, mainly in Havana.

The event, promoted by the National Council of the Performing Arts, will take place under the premise that children and young people around the world increasingly demand more spaces for poetic enunciation where they can make the art they practice a tool of real transformation.

Here companies and professionals from different countries gather around an artistic and exchange program, which this year pays special attention to participation, the breadth of artistic forms and the celebration of community impact.

In the conception of the forum, proposals that work in non-traditional, inclusive and sensory spaces and formats were especially taken into account.

It turned out that the activities will address topics of inclusion, diversity, gender, raciality and others of great relevance and interest to the new generations that are being trained and integrated into the world of the scene.

To date there are nearly 450 accredited and executives from Assitej International, an association founded in 1965 and which brings together 65 nations joined by professional and regional networks, will attend.

This will be the second time that an Assitej World Congress and Performing Arts Festival will be held in Latin America and Cuba.

According to the organizers, for the island it is an opportunity to make its performing culture visible and integrate more strongly into the programming circuit of this global network. (PL) (Photo: Revolución Studies)

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