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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Cuba, Hotel companies, tourism

Hotel companies associated with Cuba attend tourism seminar

Havana, June 18 - Important Spanish hotel chains such as Iberostar and Meliá participate in the 17th International Journalism and Tourism Seminar taking place today in Havana.

Executives from both companies will meet this Tuesday with the 45 attendees from Latin America, Canada and Cuba who are attending the event scheduled from June 17 to 21. In particular, the largest delegations, in addition to the hosts, come from Colombia and Mexico.

The first topics discussed were tourism in the Caribbean, and Artificial Intelligence with its impact on the travel industry.

For today's session, the exchange highlights a presence of more than 25 years of the Mallorcan chain Meliá, and the votes of permanent evolution of Iberostar.

In addition to the talks and academic exchanges, there are also visits to points of interest such as the National Hotel, the Tropicana cabaret, Old Havana, and the Varadero spa. (Text and photo: RHC)

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