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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Cuba, South Sudan

Cuba highlights ties of friendship and solidarity with South Sudan

Havana, July 9 - The Cuban Foreign Ministry on Tuesday praised the ties of friendship and solidarity that unite the Caribbean island with South Sudan on the occasion of the African country's national holiday.

The Cuban Foreign Ministry stressed on X that both nations maintain the will to continue to work to strengthen relations of friendship and cooperation.

The independence of South Sudan on July 9, 2011, was the result of a referendum in 2005 in which more than 98 percent of the electorate voted for the separation of the southern region from the composition of Sudan, although some differences with Khartoum persisted that hindered relations between the two countries.

Two years later, South Sudan continue to be stricken by an internal civil war that has put national integrity in crisis; however, the conflicting parties agreed on peace and an institutional reordering on 2018

General elections are expected to be held in December this year, before the Revitalized Agreement expires in February 2025.

Cuba has thanked South Sudan for supporting the resolution presented every year at the United Nations General Assembly against the United States blockade. (Text and photo: Prensa Latina)

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