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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Uruguay, violence, drug trafficking, schools

Violence and drug trafficking impact Uruguayan schools

Montevideo, July 9 - Violence and drug trafficking are having an impact on education centers today, the Montevideo branch of the Uruguayan Teachers Association (Ademu) warned.

A communiqué from the union states that what “happens in the neighborhoods has an impact on the educational system and in particular on the students.” In this regard, the Montevideo association questioned the actions of the State in the protection of children and young people.

The statement assures that drug trafficking is “expanding and permeating the daily existence of our students.”

It adds that this scourge is accompanied by drug dealing, illegal and precarious jobs, as well as addictions, which, it underlined, demands political will to face such problems.

The general secretary of Ademi Montevideo, Alfonso Larraya, said that drug trafficking generates episodes of violence at the door of schools or in the neighborhood.

Such situations have an impact on the students’ attendance, he said, so he demanded security conditions. (Text and photo: Prensa Latina)

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