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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Cristina Fernández; Argentina

Former Argentine president thanks support to preside over party

Argentina, Oct 8.- Former Argentine president Cristina Fernández today thanked her colleagues for the support of her possible appointment as president of the Justicialist Party (PJ) and advocated strengthening the unity of Peronism.

I have never occupied a place without being certain that I was qualified for the task entrusted to me; without fear or pressure, said the former head of state in an open letter published on her profile on the social network X.

I am willing, once again, to accept the challenge of debating in unity. Direction and project are needed to build the best possible Peronism in an Argentina that has become impossible for the majority of its inhabitants, she added.

Likewise, she highlighted the need to conceive the PJ "as the instrument that must take the first step to regroup all the political and social forces behind a government program that returns this nation, mired in the cruelty and hatred of fools ", the hope and pride of being Argentine."

Fernández pointed out that she has never seen, in contemporary and democratic Argentina, that the country in general and Peronism in particular live a moment like the current one.

Likewise, she indicated that the president Javier Milei "not only shouts and insults from the stage in an increasingly aggressive, violent and profane manner at anyone who expresses an opinion different from his, but also hacks away on retirees, universities and even mental health hospitals.”

The figure of the President of the Nation shouting and affronting generates a climate of generalized violence. All this while the fierce adjustment program destabilizes a society that continues to be hit with unpayable rates and salaries that are not enough (...). There is a kind of strange and dangerous “leadership” of chaos and destruction from which nothing good can come, he noted.

In the letter, the former president reviewed the history of Peronism, with special emphasis on the period 2001-2015, which includes the mandate of Néstor Kirchner (2003-2007) and the two she held (2007-2011 and 2011-2015).

As characteristics of that time, he listed structural debt reduction, payment to the International Monetary Fund, upward social mobility, the creation of universities, scientific and technological development, the recovery of national heritage and the increase in the educational budget, among others.

Fernández recalled that Peronism currently only governs five of the 23 Argentine provinces, but “it continues to be the force with the largest number of national deputies and senators and this requires, due to historical understanding and political responsibility, its own reconstruction, addressing new social demands.”

“It is clear that we must straighten out what is crooked and order what is disordered. This raises the need to create a space for discussion and participation that does not exist today and its absence only generates confusion and emptiness. I have no doubt that, at this stage, the party is the most appropriate place to develop the continent that generates the content and that it also has direction and objectives,” she stated.

I admit that the challenge is great and that party directives are not enough; but I also have high hopes. (…) We must incorporate new generations into high schools, universities, unions and social movements and, from there, rebuild the presence in popular neighborhoods together with churches, development societies, neighborhood clubs and all those organized institutions from the community, she said. (Text and Photo: Cubasí)

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