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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Cuba, Culture, Folkloric Ballet of Camagüey, Culture, Dance, Ancestors, Orishas

Oddi-Oche, the African Diaspora in Cuba

Female deities Yemaya and Ochún conspire their firmness and seduction in a ceremonial ritual, the heir of the Cuban Santeria and source of inspiration for the Folkloric Ballet of Camagüey (BFC), an accomplice of the spirituality of our ancestors.

From the root, the Exodus and the Diaspora, Oddi-Oche convenes the history, art, traditions and customs of the peoples, an inexhaustible source of social and artistic elements of African culture in Cuba.

What came with the ignominy of man and became slavery today is genuine expression of identity and syncretism, become essential heritage of the nation.

Oddi-Oche breaks canons established by the prestigious cast in their 26 years of created, with recognition in several scenarios of the country, representing from the language of our orishas, the most significant expressions of folk culture. (Digital) (Photos: Rachel Garcia)

The last rehearsal in the Main Theater, before Oddi-Oche for the public in Camagüey.

Rehearsal in the Principal theater of Camagüey.

Scene of the Exodus, during the pre-premiere at the headquarters of the BFC.

Oddi-Oche as part of the presentations by the 50 anniversary of the Ballet of Camaguey.

The first dancer of the BFC, Elsa Avilés Carmenates, playing Yemaya.

The first dancer Yanixe del Rosario Jimenez and the second level dancer Melissa Alvarez, playing Ochún.

Oddi-Oche at the Teatro Charity, of Santa Clara.

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