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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Ignacio Agramonte Provincial Museum, Museum, Ignacio Agramonte, Art, Culture, Camaguey, Cuba, History

Ignacio Agramonte Loynaz Provincial Museum through the lens

Camaguey has much to be proud of in the cultural field. It was here where he wrote the first work of Cuban literature; it is the land that saw the birth of the Avellaneda and the National Poet; the site where Vicentina de la Torre and Fernando Alonso consolidated the second company of classical ballet of Cuba and where today are grown other companies of ballet; it is more than enough. But all this we can add the count with one of the three museums that exist on the island with Special Category, and which also holds the second largest collection of plastic arts of greater connotation in the country.

More than one story is woven in what is today the Provincial Museum Loyaz Ignacio Agramonte. The structure dates from 1848 and his first mission was to host the cavalry of the Army of the Metropolis until the end of the war, Cuban/Spanish; then was developed by the train consortium of "The Cuban Company" in hotel until the end of 1943.

Illustrious personalities, such as the singer Esperanza Iris and the Airmen Mariano Barberán and Joaquín Collar, stayed in its spacious rooms, without suspecting that, years later, exactly on December 23, 1955, thanks to the efforts of many villagers became a museum.

Today, the visitor is recreated on the ground floor with Natural History Room, and its lavish patio, in which there are still traces of when he was a barracks and showing heady about 32 TINAJONES, the most emblematic symbol of Camagüey.

On the second floor, the rooms of Decorative Arts and Arts; in the latter works of important exponents such as Leopoldo Romañach, Víctor Manuel, Carlos Enríquez, Fidelio Ponce de León, Marcelo Pogolotti, Amelia Peláez, Adigio Benítez and Zaida del Rio.

And although nothing compares to a royal visit, with these images of our reporter Rachel Garcia Aguilera, we propose you to zoom lens through, here you can appreciate.


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