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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Camagüey , Ignacio Agramonte y Loynaz , distinguished patriot , freedom , Cuba    

Agramonte: the revolutionary soul of Camagüey

By Luis Cadir Machín Cuadrado / Radio Cadena Agramonte

Ignacio Agramonte y Loynaz, El Mayor, was one of the forerunners of the mambisa rebellion, he was born on December 23, 1841 in Puerto Príncipe in house number 5 of former La Soledad street.

His patriotic vision led him to renounce the surrounding family benefits that he had as a cradle and gave himself up to fight for the freedom of Cuba.

After being the founder and participating in conspiratorial work of the Camagüey revolutionary board, he joined the Camagüey troops on November 11, 1868 at the El Oriente sugar mill; from then on his legendary figure grew, until he was a legend.

His patriotic commitment and actions, according to Máximo Gómez, placed him "in the first line of all generals and he was called to exercise great and high destinies for his country."

His strong personality, gallantry and courage, was in the Constitution of Guáimaro, the Meeting of Las Minas and in the rescue of Brigadier Julio Sanguily.

The love of the fight was as much, as the one he shared with Amalia. For her, he was the man who, amid the hazards of life and his tireless struggle for freedom, squandered delicacy and tenderness before his beloved wife.

When it comes to great loves, we must remember the happiness that both enjoyed in just seven years of relationships since their wedding in 1866, when she vowed to carry their love beyond death.

148 years after the fall in combat of El Mayor in the Jimaguayú fields, on May 11, 1873, the youth of Camagüey, inspired by his patriotism and the impetus with which Martí defined him, took the Plaza and Park erected in his memory, for the continuity of the Revolution that began on October 10, 1868 and that today young people lead, guided by the example of Fidel. (Photos: Humberto Cid) 


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