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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Camagüey, National Workshop on Colonial History, research, Union of Historians of Cuba

First National Workshop on Colonial History to be held in Camagüey (+ Audio)

Camagüey, September 21.- The First National Workshop on Colonial History that will take place in Camagüey from this Thursday the 21st to Saturday the 23rd, will socialize research carried out on that stage until the year 1867.

Telma Oliva Garcés, secretary of organization of the provincial branch of the Union of Historians of Cuba, announced that among the themes those referring to women in society and family patterns during that period stand out; migratory processes, social thought and precursory anti-colonial movements; slavery and resistance; and national, regional and local historical memory.

According to the program, the event will begin with a keynote lecture entitled Genesis and evolution of the sugar slave plantation in colonial Cuba until 1868, which will be given by doctor of science Alexander Abreu Pupo, professor and dean of the Faculty of Sciences Social Sciences of the University of Holguín.

In total, 38 papers from all over the country will be presented, with the greatest representation from Cienfuegos and Camagüey, the latter territory that stands out in these studies and which therefore earned it the venue for the meeting, explained Oliva Garcés.

The First National Workshop on Colonial History includes specialized conferences, presentation of papers and the delivery of the Heritage Award, which recognizes the performance of young professionals; in addition to a special intervention by Jorge Aneiros Alonso, president of the Union of Historians of Cuba, on the challenges of historical studies in the country and the contribution from the organization that he heads. (Juan Mendoza Medina/ Radio Cadena Agramonte) (Photo: Internet)

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