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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Panama, caravan, blockade, United States, Cuba, Martian Association of Cuban Residents in Panama

Caravan against the United States blockade of Cuba called in Panama

Panama City, October 11.- The Martí’s Association of Cuban Residents in Panama (Amcrp in Spanish) called for the XII Caravan to demand the end of the United States blockade of the island on Sunday, October 29.

The president of the Amcrp, Humberto Pérez, specified that the new action has been carried out systematically since March 2021, but on this occasion, it has a special connotation.

Pérez specified that the initiative takes place in the midst of campaigns by groups opposed to the triumphant Revolution in 1959 that from Miami promote hatred and subversion against the peace and stability of Cuban families.

The caravan will also take place days before Havana presents for another occasion a Resolution before the United Nations General Assembly that demands the cessation of Washington's hostile policy and receives the support of the vast majority of the member countries of the international organization, he added.

On the last Sunday of the tenth month of the year, he said, the tour of the main arteries of the capital city of the isthmus will also join similar actions in the region to also raise our voices in support of those in the northern country who bravely reject the attacks against Cuba. Our caravan, he stressed, will have the participation of members of the National Coordinator of Solidarity with Cuba and will conclude in the emblematic Belisario Porras Park with a massive event to also demand that the White House remove the island from a spurious list of sponsoring nations of the terrorism.

On September 18, the Amcrp delivered a letter to Panamanian Foreign Minister Janaina Tewaney thanking her for her position of rejection of the United States blockade expressed at the Summit of the Group of 77 and China, held in Havana.

In the letter, the group specified that the condemnation of the unjust economic, financial and commercial blockade imposed by Washington has been a permanent demand of the vast majority of Cubans residing abroad, including those who live in the Canal nation.

The cruel policy is the main obstacle to Cuba's economic development, according to that text.

In this regard, in the letter the Amcrp cites as an example of the application of the strategy of economic asphyxiation the banking financial system in the isthmus that prevents transactions between both countries.

In November of last year, Cuba obtained a new victory in its fight against the United States blockade by achieving overwhelming support at the UN for a resolution approved by 185 votes in favor.

The text was opposed by the United States and its unconditional ally Israel, while Brazil and Ukraine abstained.

The resolution was added to the 29 adopted each year since 1992, when this type of voting began, interrupted only in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. (Text and photo: PL)

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