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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Cuba, Díaz-Canel, Council of Ministers, potential, economic blockade, Presidency

President of Cuba urges to produce more with one's own efforts (+ Photo)

Havana, Oct 30.- The main call at this time has to be to produce more with our own effort, with our own talent and with our own capabilities and potential, the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Party emphasized before the Council of Ministers. Communist of Cuba and president of the Republic, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez.

In the most recent meeting with the highest leadership of the Government, led by the Prime Minister, Manuel Marrero, the head of State highlighted that although the effects of the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the Government of the United States are an undeniable truth, there are many potentials in different places that have not yet been taken advantage of.

According to the report published on the Presidency's website, the president stated that food is the first good that must be offered to the population with better prices, so we must look for those resources to stimulate production, and although the country will continue to import, the fundamental source of food must be what is produced locally, from local balance sheets.

He pointed out that it is essential to promote popular participation in all processes, to have a dialogue, a permanent conversation with the population.

Likewise, he said, the proposals made by economists, experts, and academics about possible solutions to face the current situation must be listened to and critically evaluated.

Díaz-Canel referred to the savings, energy efficiency and adjustment measures in economic and social activity that were adopted to confront the fuel deficit, and stressed that one cannot hesitate to modify what has not produced results and propose new alternatives.

He called to demand that institutions fulfill their state functions in all areas, as well as the priority with which they must work in an organized manner from the territory and break the criterion that things are resolved from above.

The municipalities, he stated, have to work based on the implementation of the national, provincial and territorial policies that are approved, but with the support at the corresponding level of the national, provincial institutions and the institutions and actors themselves that participate in them. municipality level.

When referring to the business sector, the Cuban President stressed that it must be able to take advantage of all the potential that companies have, and that they are not always taken into account.

He highlighted the need to promote the creation of Mipymes in the state sector, since there are many companies that have small structures that are efficient in their activity and are trapped by the inefficiency of the rest of the company, and as an independent structure in an Mipyme it could advance.

Among the work priorities, the head of state referred to continuing to address situations of vulnerability; attenuate the inequalities present in society, whose existence, he said, goes against what the Revolution has always tried to defend from a humanist and social justice point of view.

He emphasized the need to stop the exodus of labor force, especially qualified ones, from the state sector to the non-state sector; continue giving priority to Health and Education; as well as improve the functioning of the social programs that exist in the country.

He also urged to correct the measures that have been implemented as part of the Ordering Task and have shown that they must be modified; enhance the knowledge economy; continue making progress in confronting gender violence; improve the indicators of the Maternal and Child Care Program, the production of medicines, care for the elderly and recreation for young people. (ACN) (Photos: Revolución Studies)

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