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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Camagüey, cybersecurity, day, computer scientists, Cuba, national

National Cybersecurity Day takes place in Camagüey (+ Photos)

Camagüey, Nov 21.- Prevention and the conscious and responsible use of technologies are some of the knowledge socialized during these days by the Camagüey branch of the Union of Computer Scientists of Cuba (UIC) on the occasion of the II National Cybersecurity Day, developed throughout the country until November 30.

Reynaldo Alonso Reyes, president of the UIC in Camagüey, explained that together with the Provincial Directorate of Education and the Young Computer and Electronics Club, activities are carried out especially aimed at children, adolescents and young people through an innovation kit donated by the Fund. of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) to the local development project Citizen Innovation Laboratory for Culture in the capital city.

The intention is to share with students of all educations the ways to access reliable sites, a premise that prevailed in the meeting led by the grassroots delegation of the Territorial Division of the Cuban Telecommunications Company that began the activities.

The objective is to teach citizens to protect their personal data and avoid external access to their accounts and mobile devices, added Alonso Reyes, who advised not to make payments through links without knowing their destination and details.

It is essential, he said, to inform and guide the new generations since the digital environment offers opportunities but also entails serious risks.

In the central San Esteban street, headquarters of the UIC in Camagüey, personalized attention is provided to all interested parties and workers with prior coordination with the entities of the business system and social organizations.

These days, the more than 300 members of the 18 base delegations, in keeping with the computerization of society, provide useful advice for the correct use of electronic commerce applications and platforms, as well as to minimize risks in cyberspace. (Gladys Dailyn Morera Cordero/Radio Cadena Agramonte) (Photos: courtesy of the interviewee)

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