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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

United Nations, United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund, humanitarian operations, Africa, America, Middle East

United Nations extends humanitarian response in Africa, America and the Middle East

United Nations, February 21.- The United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) will disburse $100 million to support seven humanitarian operations in Africa, the Americas and the Middle East, the agency said.

The initiative seeks to expand its support in places with less funded situations of this type, assured this Tuesday the spokesman for the Secretary General (António Guterres), Stéphane Dujarric, when announcing more support for Sudan, Syria, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Chad, Niger , Lebanon and Honduras.

For his part, UN Emergency Relief Coordinator Martin Griffiths said the new allocation is a reminder of the crucial role the Emergency Response Fund plays at a time of immense needs and chronic underfunding of appeals. humanitarian.

Sudan, Syria and the Democratic Republic of the Congo each received $20 million as part of this effort, while the rest of the money was distributed among the remaining nations.

According to the spokesperson, in 2023 the UN received less than 40 percent of the $56.7 billion needed to sustain humanitarian appeals around the world.

For its part, the Emergency Fund collected last year the lowest amount in five years. With donations at such a low level, CERF's life-saving impact faces serious challenges, Dujarric warned. (PL) (Photo: Taken from the Internet)

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