Cuba, military spending, environmental commitment, Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, environment, climate change, NATO

Cuba denounces weapons priority over environmental commitment

Havana, Apr. 1st. - Cuba today ratified its complaint about the serious risks to life on the planet derived from climate change, while military spending by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) continues to rise, an official source said.

In his profile in X, Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez warned of the danger to human existence due to the adverse effects of natural phenomena, while NATO invents other threats.

The war alliance, in this sense, manufactures these threats to increase its exorbitant military expenditures and sustain its polluting military industries, wasting resources that are urgently required for climate financing, Rodríguez pointed out.

The government of Cuba, through its Foreign Ministry, has reiterated the denunciation of the excessive priority granted by the Western powers that are members of NATO over the environmental commitment, agreed upon in United Nations forums.

The war alliance increases its military spending every year, formalizing contracts for the acquisition of increasingly lethal weapons that only benefits its arms industry.

The head of Cuban diplomacy recently warned on his own social network that the military carbon footprint of the transatlantic organization went from 196 million metric tons of carbon dioxide (C02) in 2021 to 226 million in 2023.

These figures exceed the greenhouse gas emissions of 80 percent of the countries in the world, said the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Cuba. (Text and photo: PL)

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