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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Cuba, XI International Meeting of Justice and Law 2024, Convention Palace, Havana, Popular Supreme Court, Popular Court Systems, Law, justice, courts, criminal process

XI International Meeting of Justice and Law 2024 begins in Cuba

Havana, May 15.- With the purpose of debating, reflecting and sharing work experiences in pursuit of a better legal practice, the XI International Meeting of Justice and Law 2024 begins today at the Havana Convention Palace.

Around a hundred specialists from 18 countries will participate in the event convened by the Supreme People's Court (TSP), including judicial authorities from Venezuela, China, Laos and El Salvador, among others, and more than 400 national delegates.

The event, which will have a hybrid format between in-person and virtual, will discuss topics on the criminal and family code, population aging, as well as civil and administrative aspects and the digitalization of the processes that take place in the Court Systems. Popular.

During the meeting, scheduled to conclude on May 17, conferences, panels and presentations will be held aimed at the fraternization of different specialists, in the interest of improving the judicial sector through the exchange of practices from other places in the world. (ACN) (Photo: PL)

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