Havana, Dec 1st.- Upon closing the VIII plenary session of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba, last July, the First Secretary and President of the Republic, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez warned that "Times are neither for self-complacencies nor for inertia that we do not know how to break. Our people demand results, and we owe that people."
He also called for rectification as a permanent practice of revolutionaries and to combat simultaneously, decisively in several areas, including the frontal battle against demonstrations of indiscipline, criminal activities, antisocial behavior, corruption, illegalities, social violence, vandalism and other harmful phenomena that affect security, citizen tranquility and the internal order.
On 23 November, at a meeting in the Central Committee, we were summoned, as part of the main activities for the 66th anniversary of the Triumph of the Revolution, a National Exercise of Prevention and Confrontation of these demonstrations, with the aim of intensifying the joint and effective actions of the organs of the State, the Government, the Ministry of the Interior, the political, social and mass organizations, popular and communication.
The call is to turn this Exercise into a blunt response, united and with the participation of all factors, which cannot have any other result than success, protected by the political will of the leadership of the country to defend at the price that these sacred conquests of the Revolution that are citizen tranquility and the inner order are necessary.
We are promoted in these complex times by the symbolism of the day of its beginning, on December 2, when we commemorate the 68th anniversary of the Landing of the Greater and Day of the Revolutionary Armed Forces, as well as the date of its closure on the next 7, point of historical confluence in which we remember the invincible Bronze Titan, Lieutenant General Antonio Maceo Grajales; we pay tribute to Operation Tribute; to the foundation of our Association of Combatants of the Cuban Revolution and the 90th anniversary of Frank Country's birth.
Multiple reasons inspire us to continue this battle that does not allow pauses, neglect or naivety. It asks us for rigour, constancy, articulation, firmness, professionalism, training, demand, foresight, maximum control, strict compliance with the law and the provisions of institutional or social coexistence norms.
It is a call to elevate revolutionary surveillance, prevention and confrontation to crime, corruption, illegalities and social undisciplines in neighborhoods, communities, workplaces, peasant bases, coastal or mountainous villages. It is a question of summoning everyone, the family, the school, political, youth, student organizations and the social factors that have a responsibility to educate, train and protect their children, their students, their members, with the Martian vision and fidelist that everyone has and contributes to the common interest in saving and contributing to social peace.
Therefore, there can be no passivity or inertia; it is necessary to reactivate or stimulate the functioning of prevention groups in the demarcations of the popular councils, in particular in preventive-prophylactic actions with people of antisocial behaviour, and to take full care of the incorporation into the study or work of those who are disassociated and often fall into criminal conduct that lead them to prison.
8th. Congress of the PCC warned of the need to reactivate and make the work of mass and trade union organizations feel, at present times, as in the difficult times in which they were born, and without which it would not have been possible to defend the Revolution from the criminal and counterrevolutionary attacks promoted by successive U.S. governments, which today's hawks intend to escalate with the arrival in the White House of Donald Trump and his war cabinet.
As yesterday, the CDRs and the FMC are called to play a leading role in the prevention and confrontation of these demonstrations, in each block and grassroots organization, with the impetus to the Detachments of Revolutionary Popular Surveillance, the Peasant Patrols, the Outstandings Looking at the Sea or other spaces of positive influence, of educational approach, persuasive, of timely alert or rehabilitation.
In the face of the open economic war from the United States. With a genocidal and intensified blockade, which is committed to the strangulation, suffocation and surrender of our people from the shortcomings and difficulties they generate with their restrictive measures, imposes the outrageous defense of our resources, maximum internal and external control, the protection of facilities, the means, the fight against waste and savings, price control, land use and livestock.
Our people demand more effectiveness in the confrontation with the crime, reduce it or contain it; it calls for vigorous and responsible action by the body of state inspectors in the different sectors; calls us to ensure legality rigorously; not to allow unscrupulous people to mock the tax office or continue to manipulate prices abusively to enrich themselves at the expense of the workers; rejects drug trafficking and consumption; and strongly denounces when it appreciates a lack of timely confrontation.
In response to the call made to us by the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the CCP in plenary, in order to respond with results to the demands of that people to whom we owe ourselves, against the crime there must be a strong response, from all, with firmness and systematism. It is a relentless battle that we will win together, so that there is never impunity. (Text and photo: ACN)