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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Cuba, Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (CIGB), scientific community, International Congress Biopharm Nonclinical Development, BioNCiD 2025, spa, Varadero, institution

A congress on non-clinical biopharmaceutical development is called in Cuba

Havana, Jan 10.- The Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (CIGB) called on the global scientific community to participate in the International Biopharm Nonclinical Development Congress, BioNCiD 2025, which will take place in the resort of Varadero at the end of May, announced today that institution.

On its website, the center, a leader in the research and development of biotechnology products on the island, stressed in its call that the event aims to bring together experts, academics and industry professionals to discuss the latest advances in research. for the non-clinical development of innovative biopharmaceuticals, promoting compliance with the 3Rs and the culture of care.

Topics such as non-clinical development programs for drugs and biopharmaceutical products, advances in pharmacokinetics and toxicology, Trends in the evaluation of drug-drug interactions, biopharmaceutical products and microbiota, as well as updating the non-clinical regulatory framework, will be part of the academic program.

Also the training of staff and accreditation of facilities

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) and its role in non-clinical development, animal and human well-being: behavior management and implementation of the culture of care according to non-clinical regulatory requirements and application of the 3Rs and the

Home cage monitoring technologies, improving non-clinical to clinic translation

The proposals on the agenda are completed by Animal Models: development and use, challenges and perspectives, In silico, mathematical and other alternative methods of non-clinical development and sponsorship packages.

Founded on July 1, 1986, the CIGB constitutes a large research-productive complex equipped with state-of-the-art equipment, significant production capacities and a staff engaged in the development of new products in all their phases, from the conception and expression of proteins. with DNA recombination techniques to production on industrial sales and marketing of their products. (Text and photo: PL)

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