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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Categoria Sc-Envt

New way to estimate the impact of earthquakes on countries
New way to estimate the impact of earthquakes on countries

Washington, Feb 16.- A new measure that compares earthquake-related deaths with population size found that Ecuador, Lebanon, Haiti, Turkmenistan, Iran and Portugal experienced the greatest impact in the last five centuries.

Emirati companies interested in biotechnological products from Cuba
Emirati companies interested in biotechnological products from Cuba

Dubai, February 15.- The Prime Minister of Cuba, Manuel Marrero Cruz, spoke today with representatives of companies from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) interested in the commercialization of biotechnological products produced on the Caribbean island, such as Heberprot-P and Melagenia Plus.

Study predicts collapse of Atlantic Ocean due to global warming
Study predicts collapse of Atlantic Ocean due to global warming

Amsterdam, February 14.- Global warming will affect the Atlantic Ocean and its current system, leading to ocean collapse and changes in the climate, warned a study by the University of Utrecht.

 Russian scientists grow mini brains to study cognition
Russian scientists grow mini brains to study cognition

Moscow, February 13.- Scientists at the Great Russian research center in Siberia made a discovery in genetics that allows us to better understand the relationship between the human genetic code and cognitive development.

Panel on renewable energy in Cuba
Panel on renewable energy in Cuba

Havana, February 13.- The Economic Society of Friends of the Country (SEAP) reported that today a panel on renewable energy in Cuba will meet at its headquarters, in accordance with the urgent change of energy matrix on this island.

Digital innovation laboratory in Camagüey for computerization of society
Digital innovation laboratory in Camagüey for computerization of society

Camagüey, February 12.- The local development project Digital Innovation Laboratory (Co-Lab) Camagüey stars in several actions aimed at achieving a smart city, impacting the management and conservation of the city, and taking advantage of technologies for knowledge of the city. history in the country.

Workshop to manage air quality in Cuba
Workshop to manage air quality in Cuba

Cienfuegos, February 10.- Today the results of the project Strengthening capacities for the monitoring, evaluation and management of air quality and its impact on human health in Cuba TINAIR, developed by the Center for Environmental Studies (CEAC in Spanish), were evaluated.

January 2024, the warmest ever recorded
January 2024, the warmest ever recorded

Brussels, February 9.- The first month of 2024 was the warmest January since records exist in the world, reported the Copernicus Climate Change Service, of the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts.

Cuba manufactures economizers for thermoelectric plants for the first time
Cuba manufactures economizers for thermoelectric plants for the first time

Havana, February 8.- From imported raw materials, for the first time inlet and outlet economizers for thermoelectric boilers are manufactured in Cuba.

 Jamaica and Cuba highlight results of joint ophthalmological program
Jamaica and Cuba highlight results of joint ophthalmological program

Kingston, February 8.- Authorities from Jamaica and Cuba highlighted the results of a cooperation program in the ophthalmological field that since last year has allowed 1,230 people to recover their vision, confirmed an official source.

Scientists propose expanding the scale of tropical hurricanes
Scientists propose expanding the scale of tropical hurricanes

Washington, Jan 7.- A group of scientists concluded that global warming is giving rise to hurricanes that deserve to be classified in category 6, published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Brain's ability to compensate for cognitive decline
Brain's ability to compensate for cognitive decline

London, February 7.- Scientists from the universities of Cambridge and Sussex, in the United Kingdom, found evidence of the brain's ability to compensate for age-related cognitive decline, published in the magazine eLife.