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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Categoria Sc-Envt

Local development project stimulates science and innovation
Local development project stimulates science and innovation

Camagüey, Dec. 7.- The Local Development Project (PDL in Spanish) co-Lab Camagüey reaffirms itself as an entity that drives innovation during the year 2024, in which it has supported 18 entrepreneurs in incubation and acceleration programs, the development of innovative ideas and their entry into the market.

 Model UN in Cuba denounces lethal effect of atomic radiation
Model UN in Cuba denounces lethal effect of atomic radiation

Havana, Dec 5. - Exposure to atomic radiation has a lethal effect on human health, the Havana Model of the United Nations warned today (Havmun 2024), a forum of Cuban university students on global issues that will conclude this Friday.

Kazakh doctors create device to keep organs to be transplanted for 24 hours
Kazakh doctors create device to keep organs to be transplanted for 24 hours

Kazakhstan, Dec 4. - Cardiationn from Kazakhstan has developed an apparatus that allows the organ to be kept for 24 hours for transplantation, the Republic's Ministry of Health said.

 Apple sued for 'silence' staff and spying on their devices
Apple sued for 'silence' staff and spying on their devices

U.S., Dec, 3. - Apple faces a new lawsuit accusing it of illegally monitoring the devices and digital accounts of its staff members, as well as banning them from talking about working conditions.

 Life signs on an asteroid are not what they seem
Life signs on an asteroid are not what they seem

The U.S., Dec 1st.- The basic ingredients of Earth life are common in the universe, due to the complex chemical that occurs in space. In this sense, the presence of microorganisms in meteorites has been used as proof of extraterrestrial life. However, a deeper study adds skepticism to such claims.

China and Cuba address the use of Nimotuzumab in cervical cancer (+ Photos)
China and Cuba address the use of Nimotuzumab in cervical cancer (+ Photos)

Havana, Nov 30.- Chinese and Cuban specialists discussed today the latest advances in the fight against cervical cancer based on the use of Nimotuzumab.

Blue Resilience, Cuba-France Coastal Marine Adaptation Project
Blue Resilience, Cuba-France Coastal Marine Adaptation Project

Havana, Nov 29.- A project to adapt to the consequences and impact of climate change on coastal and human marine ecosystems at two pilot sites in Cuba will be presented here today under the auspices of Cuba and France.

 Cuba implements pre-exposure prophylaxis against HIV
Cuba implements pre-exposure prophylaxis against HIV

Havana, Nov 28.- The Cuban Health System implements the use of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) as a high-impact method in the prevention of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).

 Ingenuity and innovation rehabilitate artificial kidney in Nuevitas hospital
Ingenuity and innovation rehabilitate artificial kidney in Nuevitas hospital

Nuevitas, Camagüey, Nov 27.- The repair of an artificial kidney through innovation contributes to raising the quality of the Hemodialysis service at the Martín Chang Puga general teaching hospital in this Camagüey municipality.

 Study reveals human brain evolution was influenced by childhood duration
Study reveals human brain evolution was influenced by childhood duration

The U.S., Nov. 26- A recent study suggests that prolonged human childhood and cultural transmission in social groups may have influenced the increase in brain size in our ancestors. Researchers analyzed fossil teeth from a Homo individual who lived 1.77 million years ago, found in Dmanisi, Georgia.

 Sports and Physical Culture family contributes to saving lives in Florida
Sports and Physical Culture family contributes to saving lives in Florida

Florida, Camagüey, Nov 25.- A new call to donate blood in support of medical care received a warm response from the sports and Physical Culture family in Florida. This group, which always goes beyond its state mission in the municipality, demonstrates its commitment by helping to save lives.

US Department of Justice proposes the sale of Chrome to dismantle Google's monopoly
US Department of Justice proposes the sale of Chrome to dismantle Google's monopoly

USA, Nov 23.- In a significant development in the fight against technology monopolies, the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) argued on Wednesday that Google should ditch its Chrome browser as part of measures to break what considered an illegal monopoly in the online search market.