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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

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International information and communication event prepared in Cuba
International information and communication event prepared in Cuba

Havana, April 16.- The XI International Meeting of Information and Communication Researchers and Scholars (ICOM 2024) will take place in this capital from December 3 to 6, the organizers announce on their digital platforms.

Blue tourism: a project to learn to look at ecosystems with the heart
Blue tourism: a project to learn to look at ecosystems with the heart

Since 2022, the territorial project Resilient Blue Tourism in the context of climate change: Santa Lucía beach destination has been developed in the province of Camagüey. Researchers, specialists and professors from different institutions and ministries focus their work on six fundamental results that contribute, jointly, to the implementation of a package of technologies associated with the concept of resilient blue tourism in that important resort, located in the north of the territory.

New hydrogel that eliminates microplastics from water
New hydrogel that eliminates microplastics from water

Washington, April 13.- Researchers from the Indian Institute of Sciences designed a sustainable hydrogel to eliminate microplastics from water, published in the journal Nanoscale.

Antarctica melting is greater than normal
Antarctica melting is greater than normal

Washington, April 12.- Antarctic sea ice reached its lowest annual extent on February 20, with a total of 1.99 million square kilometers, according to data collected by the Nimbus-7 satellite, run by NASA.

Southern Ocean has the cleanest air in the world
Southern Ocean has the cleanest air in the world

London, April 10.- A team of Australian scientists considered that the place with the cleanest air on the planet is a region of the Southern or Antarctic Ocean, located off the coast of Antarctica, published in the magazine Nature.

Micromaterial releases nanoparticles that destroy cancer cells
Micromaterial releases nanoparticles that destroy cancer cells

Washington, April 9.- A team of scientists developed micromaterials composed solely of proteins, capable of delivering nanoparticles over time that can target specific cancer cells and destroy them.

NASA explains the importance of Monday's total solar eclipse (+ Posts)
NASA explains the importance of Monday's total solar eclipse (+ Posts)

Moscow, April 8.- In some regions of Mexico, the United States and Canada you will be able to witness how a total solar eclipse, which will take place on April 8, will suddenly darken the sky for a few minutes, as a result of the interposition of the Moon between the Sun and Earth. Given this important event, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) explains the details of why this astronomical phenomenon will be important.

Camagüey participates in research project on Thalassia (+ Photos and Infographics)
Camagüey participates in research project on Thalassia (+ Photos and Infographics)

Camagüey, April 8.- The tourist destination Playa Santa Lucía, located north of Camagüey, is one of the intervention sites of the investigative project Development of capacities for the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol and the sustainable use of biodiversity for the well-being of the human health in Cuba, coordinated by the Institute of Marine Sciences (ICIMAR) and whose implementation extends from 2024 to 2026.

 BioHabana concluded with resounding success for new alliances with Cuba
BioHabana concluded with resounding success for new alliances with Cuba

Varadero, April 6.- The signing of 18 agreements and the presentation of innovative biopharmaceutical products and medical equipment marked the success of the BioHabana 2024 International Congress, which concluded after three days in the Cuban resort of Varadero.

Latin America and the Caribbean with a Regional School of Health Regulation (+ Photos)
Latin America and the Caribbean with a Regional School of Health Regulation (+ Photos)

Havana, April 5.- Latin America and the Caribbean will have its Regional Health Regulation School (ERRS), based in Mexico and with a comprehensive approach to address current and future challenges.

BioHabana bets on scientific and commercial alliances
BioHabana bets on scientific and commercial alliances

Varadero, April 4.- With the participation of more than 250 foreign delegates from the five continents, the BioHabana 2024 international congress is committed to creating and consolidating scientific and commercial alliances, and highlighting the strengths of Cuba's biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry.

Melting Arctic will make El Niño stronger
Melting Arctic will make El Niño stronger

Washington, April 3.- El Niño phenomena could become even stronger in the coming years due to the melting of the Arctic, motivated by global warming, a study published today by the journal Science Advances states.