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Categoria Sc-Envt

Underwater Cable Trippled Internet Connecting Capacity in Cuba
Underwater Cable Trippled Internet Connecting Capacity in Cuba

Havana, 18 Jan.- The executive president of Etecsa, Tania Velázquez, stressed today that the implementation of the Arimao submarine cable made it possible to expand connection capacities and diversify the sources of Internet access in Cuba.

Scientists are betting more and more on methods to revive animals
Scientists are betting more and more on methods to revive animals

Washington, Jan. 17. - The team of scientists at the biotechnology company Colossal Biosciences, which plans to revive the woolly mammoth, the dodo and the Tasmanian tiger, announced today that they have increased their investments to carry out their experiments.

Cuba for protecting the elderly with 11-valent antipneumooccal vaccine
Cuba for protecting the elderly with 11-valent antipneumooccal vaccine

Havana, Jan 15. - The Finlay Institute of Vaccines (IFV) of Cuba announced the start of the clinical trial phase II-III with Neumo 11, a vaccinated conjugate antune-antipneumococcal candidate of 11-valent, for adults aged 50 to 74, transcended today.

 Fair promotes innovation and development in Cuba
Fair promotes innovation and development in Cuba

Havana, Jan 15.- The Havana Convention Palace will host the Innovation for Development Fair from today until January 17, in the context of the activities for Cuban Science Day.

 World Day to fight depression
World Day to fight depression

Geneva, Jan 13.- Today, humanity celebrates World Day to combat depression, which is estimated to affect more than 300 million people in the world, mostly women.

Forest rangers begin campaign against forest fires
Forest rangers begin campaign against forest fires

Havana, Jan 11.- The Cuban Forest Ranger Corps (CGC) announced the start of the Forest Fire Protection Campaign, which constitutes a national system in charge of preventing and confronting its outbreak in the country's vegetation and forests.

 A congress on non-clinical biopharmaceutical development is called in Cuba
A congress on non-clinical biopharmaceutical development is called in Cuba

Havana, Jan 10.- The Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (CIGB) called on the global scientific community to participate in the International Biopharm Nonclinical Development Congress, BioNCiD 2025, which will take place in the resort of Varadero at the end of May, announced today that institution.

First Japanese wooden satellite deployed in Earth orbit
First Japanese wooden satellite deployed in Earth orbit

USA, Jan 9.- LignoSat, the first wooden satellite of the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency that investigates the use of this material in space, was deployed in Earth orbit, NASA confirmed.

 2024 has been the year with the highest number of earthquakes in Cuba
2024 has been the year with the highest number of earthquakes in Cuba

Havana, Jan 7.- In his summary on seismicity in the Largest if the Antilles during 2024, the head of the National Seismological Service, Doctor of Sciences Enrique Arango Arias, highlighted that this was the one that has recorded the greatest number of earthquakes, with a total of 12 thousand 806.

Chinese military highlights the importance of human decisions over artificial intelligence
Chinese military highlights the importance of human decisions over artificial intelligence

Moscow, Jan 6.- Artificial Intelligence (AI) cannot supplant human decision-making on the battlefield, because it lacks self-awareness, it is argued in an article published by PLA Daily, the official newspaper of the Chinese People's Liberation Army.

Studies on adaptation to climate change are updated in Cuba
Studies on adaptation to climate change are updated in Cuba

Havana, Jan 3. - The Institute of Geophysics and Astronomy (IGA) of Cuba updated 12 studies of danger, vulnerability and risks that constitute the basis for prioritizing measures for adaptation to climate change in the Caribbean country.

Reading shapes and stimulates the brain
Reading shapes and stimulates the brain

Sweden, Jan 1. - A true book lover can be recognized by the anatomy of the brain: reading is able to shape two regions of the left hemisphere, related respectively to the understanding of meanings and sounds.