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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Categoria Sc-Envt

Cuba ratifies its willingness to protect the population with HIV/AIDS
Cuba ratifies its willingness to protect the population with HIV/AIDS

Havana, May 9.- The Minister of Public Health (Minsap), José Ángel Portal, ratified Cuba's will to protect the island's population with HIV/AIDS and, at the same time, cooperate with other countries.

Cuban experts predict active 2024 cyclone season
Cuban experts predict active 2024 cyclone season

Havana, May 8.- The 2024 cyclone season will be very active, with the formation of at least 20 tropical cyclones throughout the North Atlantic basin, the Cuban Institute of Meteorology (Insmet) predicted.

International Meeting of Psychology Students inaugurated
International Meeting of Psychology Students inaugurated

Havana, May 7.- With the aim of connecting science and culture, the XIII International Meeting of Psychology Students was inaugurated in the Aula Magna of the University of Havana (UH), with the attendance of more than 800 delegates from 27 countries, in person and virtually.

WhatsApp tests a feature that will encourage users to chat more
WhatsApp tests a feature that will encourage users to chat more

Washington, May 6.- WhatsApp has begun testing a function that seeks to encourage proactive conversations among its users, allowing them to know which of their contacts have been online recently.

 Need for greater perception of fire risk
Need for greater perception of fire risk

Havana, May 4.- It is vital to promote habits to increase the perception of risk during the National Day of the Security and Protection System against Fires, Physics and Nautical, said in this capital the first colonel Luis Carlos Guzmán Matos , Chief of the Cuban Fire Department.

 Nuevitas maritime terminal innovation acknowledged in specialized fórum
Nuevitas maritime terminal innovation acknowledged in specialized fórum

Camagüey, May 3.- The innovation in the repair and adaptation of a multistage centrifugal pump to a mobile fire-fighting assembly at the maritime fuel terminal of the municipality of Nuevitas received recognition during the recent III Science and Technology Forum of the Fuel Marketing Company, made in Matanzas.

First wild animal spotted using medicinal plants on wounds
First wild animal spotted using medicinal plants on wounds

Washington, May 3.- A Sumatran orangutan was seen in Gunung Leuser National Park, south of Aceh, Indonesia, applying a poultice of medicinal plants to an open wound on its cheek, Nature magazine published.

China ready to launch Chang'e-6 lunar probe
China ready to launch Chang'e-6 lunar probe

Beijing, May 2.- China will launch the Chang'e-6 probe this week with the aim of collecting samples from the far side of the Moon for the first time, an official source announced.

World Health Organization calls for strengthening measures against bird flu
World Health Organization calls for strengthening measures against bird flu

Geneva, May 1st. - The World Health Organization (WHO) called to remain attentive to the evolution of the H5N1 avian flu virus and to strengthen prevention and protection measures for workers in facilities where infections occurred.

Group of Seven agrees to close its coal plants by 2035
Group of Seven agrees to close its coal plants by 2035

London, April 30.- The countries belonging to the Group of Seven (G7) agreed to close all their coal plants, the most polluting fuel, no later than 2035, it emerged today.

United Nations Population Commission opens debates on sustainable development
United Nations Population Commission opens debates on sustainable development

United Nations, April 29.- The United Nations Population Commission will inaugurate today its 57th session focused on reviewing contributions to sustainable development and other critical issues on the international progress agenda.

Japanese technology transferred to Cuba for electrical improvement
Japanese technology transferred to Cuba for electrical improvement

Nueva Gerona, April 27.- The project of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), conceived to improve the supply of electrical energy in Isla de la Juventud, was officially transferred to Cuba, in an act chaired by Prime Minister Manuel Marrero Cruz.