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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

United Nations, Cuba, peace, conflicts, social and economic development, southern countries

Cuba for addressing social and economic development for lasting peace

United Nations, Nov 21.- Cuba advocated for a sustained and lasting peace with the eradication of the root causes of conflicts, particularly the problems of social and economic development that affect the countries of the South.

During the open debate convened by the Security Council on the promotion of sustained peace through common development, the First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Gerardo Peñalver, assured that this is a consequence of the current unjust international order.

Among other factors, the representative recalled the influence of decades of ruthless neoliberalism; the persistence of irrational patterns of production and consumption of capitalism that degrade the environment; as well as the proliferation of protectionist policies and speculative practices of big capital, which skyrocket the prices of essential goods and services.

At the same time, he added, other aspects such as external debt contract the availability of resources in developing countries and negatively impact the aspiration of these nations to achieve sustainable development.

The permanent representative of the Caribbean country to the UN also warned of the threats to international peace and security due to conflicts, acts of aggression, unconventional wars, blockades, attempts at regime changes and frequent violations of the United Nations Charter and International Law.

In that sense, he described the escalation of violence between Israel and Palestine as serious, a consequence of decades of Israeli practices of illegal occupation and colonization, in flagrant violation of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people in their own territory.

Peñalver also denounced the systematic disrespect of the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter and International Law, including numerous relevant UN resolutions.

The Security Council must fulfill its mandate and end Israel's impunity, in which the United States has historically been complicit by repeatedly obstructing and vetoing the body's action, which undermines peace, security and stability. regional, he noted in this regard.

The vice chancellor demanded an immediate ceasefire and an end to warlike rhetoric, as well as the provision of expeditious, sufficient and unhindered humanitarian aid to the Palestinian people.

It is imperative to avoid the forced displacement of Palestinians from the land that, by right, belongs to them, he stressed.

Likewise, he reaffirmed Cuba's support for a broad, fair and lasting solution to that conflict, which would lead to the creation of two States. (Text and photo: PL)

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