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Radio Cadena Agramonte emisiora de Camagüey

Italy, tribute, historical leader, Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, act

Day of tribute to Fidel Castro in Italy culminates in an emotional event (+ Photos)

Rome, Dec. 2.- The day of tribute to the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, on the seventh anniversary of his death, on November 25, 2016, concluded in Italy with an emotional ceremony at the Embassy of the Caribbean country.

The ambassador of Cuba, Mirta Granda, referred to the various activities carried out in this European nation during the last week, in memory of the Commander in Chief of the Revolution, and highlighted the importance of remembering who was one of the greatest statesmen of the history of humanity.

Fidel is alive in each of our actions! He emphasized, and highlighted his ability to overcome all difficulties, to unite wills, as a continuer of the independence struggles started by Carlos Manuel de Céspedes in 1868, and of the ideas of the national hero Cuban, José Martí.

He was able to lead the Cuban people to achieve their true freedom and unite them around the revolutionary process, and made Martí's thought a reality about the need to build a nation with everyone and for the good of all, as well as the principle that Homeland It is humanity, the essence of internationalism, she stated.

Granda thanked the presence of a broad representation of the Latin American diplomatic corps, in particular the ambassadors of Bolivia and Nicaragua, Sonia Brito and Mónica Robelo, respectively, as well as the charge d'affaires of Venezuela in Italy, María Elena Uzzo.

Also participating were numerous friends of Cuba, representatives of solidarity associations and various Italian political and social organizations, as well as members of the community of Cubans residing in this European nation.

The Cuban girl Ana Lía Muñoz recited the poetry Canto a Fidel, by Carilda Oliver Labra, and the documentary In Praise of Virtue was screened, about the legacy of the revolutionary leader, which was evoked by many of the attendees, including the president of the Italian solidarity association La Villetta per Cuba, Luciano Iacovino.

The advisor and second head of the diplomatic mission of the Antillean country in Italy, Damián Delgado, expressed that Fidel knew and was able to fulfill his dreams in life, that they came true, they are alive and we Cubans are defending them today.

For his part, the coordinator of Cuban residents in the center and south of this European country, Lázaro Martín, asserted on behalf of that community that Fidel lives, will live and will always continue with us.

The Bolivian ambassador described Fidel as one of the most extraordinary men in history, who has transcended all borders, who was characterized by his ethics, his humanity in defense of the oppressed, and said that, in his country, with the governments of Evo Morales, and Luis Arce, we continue on that route, on that path.

The chargé d'affaires of Venezuela stated that for us the father of the country was Simón Bolívar, but Fidel was the father of our freedom, along with Commander Hugo Chávez and added that we have to continue fighting, as they taught us.

In the final part of this tribute act, which concluded with the song Riding with Fidel, the Cuban ambassador pointed out that we, the followers of the historical leader of the Revolution, call ourselves the grateful ones, for whom he taught us the importance of reclaiming all our values ??as a people, as a society. (Text and photos: PL)

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