Camagüey, Cuba, Haiti, Cubans stranded in Haiti, return, Cuban embassy in Haiti, Camagüey airport

First group of cubans stranded in Haiti arrives at Camagüey airport (+ Photos)

Camagüey, April 19.- As part of the orderly and safe return that Cuba guarantees to its compatriots stranded in Haiti, the first group of citizens who were in that country arrived at the Ignacio Agramonte international airport in Camagüey.

A total of 49 people, most from Havana, made up the initial flight of this return operation guaranteed by the Cuban authorities in conjunction with the Embassy of the largest of the Antilles in Haiti and the permanent accompaniment of officials from the diplomatic mission.

The people traveled in a bus caravan from Port-au-Prince to Cap Haitien, where the Sunrise airline departed to the Camagüey air terminal.

ailyn Navarro Rodríguez from Matanzas returned to the Homeland after 54 days stranded in the nearby Caribbean nation, and told the press that despite the uncertainty due to the situation in Haiti, the journey passed without setbacks, she thanked the Cuban government and the embassy in Port-au-Prince for the attention received, and added that the wait was worth it, since the most important thing was everyone's safety.

Similar impressions were conveyed by other passengers, who in the case of those who do not reside in Camagüey were transferred by bus to their territories of origin, after specialists from the Provincial Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology applied the health protocols established to prevent the entry of diseases into the country.

The return operation will continue in the next few hours and the arrival to the homeland of more than 200 nationals is expected in a total of six flights that will arrive in Camagüey, for the most part, and in Santiago de Cuba. (Text and photos: Juan Mendoza Medina/ Radio Cadena Agramonte)

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