Camagüey, Marie Curie Oncological Hospital of Camagüey, surgical intervention, nodule, breast, women

Specialists from Camagüey’s Oncological Hospital achieve a successful intervention (+ Photos)

Camagüey, April 24.- This Wednesday, a team of specialists from the Marie Curie Cancer Hospital in Camagüey successfully performed a rare surgical intervention on a 17-year-old girl who had two nodules in her left breast, a condition that is generally diagnosed in women over 40 years old.

Lorena García Cruz, resident in the municipality of Carlos Manuel de Céspedes, has been under medical follow-up since this condition was detected a year ago and in the last two months a second nodule was discovered, and both were successfully removed.

After the operation, frozen biopsies were performed that ruled out cancer cells, according to Dr. Leonardo Hernández Herrera, surgeon and oncologist, and it is expected that an upcoming paraffin biopsy will provide a definitive diagnosis.

The incidence of breast nodules, common in women over 40 years of age, has seen an increase in those aged 30 to 40 years and, recently, in young people aged 20 to 30 years.

The specialist emphasized the importance of regular breast self-examination, since this disease mainly affects women, although it can also occur in men in a smaller proportion (0.8%).

Despite the economic restrictions and the tightening of the United States blockade against Cuba, the Camagüey Oncological Hospital continues to perform surgical interventions, thanks to government support. (Text and photos: Dannys Hernández de Luaces/Radio Cadena Agramonte)

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